Friday, March 28, 2008

Fitna from Geert Wilders, a big hoax

It's been almost seven years I've been living in the Netherlands. I've been learning Dutch, I've made dutch friends, I'm still working there and I would not mind staying in that country, though a bit more sun would definitely help my everyday mood. I however still have much difficulty in understanding the so-called dutch freedom of expression: whereas homosexuality, euthanasy, drugs (soft or hard) are the subjects of several articles every day in the press, Geert Wilders' film ought to be censored and forbidden? and for what? I have watched his movie tonight and there is nothing in there that one could not transpose to the two other religions of the book. If that film unambiguously defines Islam as a violent religion, it also refers to all muslim believers as potential terrorists. I would like to remind all of you that, despite Mr Wilders' beliefs, Islam has given humanity basic knowledge in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Litterature...Islam is not synonym for terror. If it were, I would refer you to the Cruisades sent in the Middle-Ages to spread the word of Jesus to the infidels. I could as well remind you about the Conquistadores who exterminated millions of native American in the name of God. What about the Holy inquisition in Europe? And the spread of Aids today in Africa because of the diabolization of condoms by the Pope? Let us also talk about the jewish colonies in Palestine and the hundreds of thousands of dead muslims under the Israeli occupation?

Every religion has had its period of darkness. I do believe that Islam deserves our respect as well as our help in order to get out of those dark times as soon as possible. I though do not believe that Geert Wilders' film is of any help in that sense. It has no philosophical, theological, moral or cinematographical value! I am actually rather astonished that the 16 minute movie received so much attention. All pictures, movies and press articles are gathered and layed out to convey a message of hate. Geert Wilders is not providing any sensible argumentation or any thoughts of his own (besides the pathetic hollywood-like sentences at the end). Fitna is after all a florilege of poor quality movies (probably picked up on the web) and verses of the Quran.

As for me, my point of view has not changed since I've expressed it in my PhD thesis: "La religion est la canne qui permet à l’infirme d’accepter le réel tel qu’il est. C’est une défense naturelle qui protège ceux qui en sont dotés de l’inquiétude et de l’inconfort . . . mais c’est aussi la principale cause de guerre et de souffrance dans le monde. "; i.e. (in English) "religion is the stick which helps the handicapped to accept reality as it is. It's a natural defense system which protects the believers from anxiety and discomfort...but it is also the biggest trigger of war and suffering in the world today."