I have read in the French Newspaper "Le Monde" that Turkey is getting tired of being at the center of the European elections, which take place this coming sunday in France and tomorrow in the Netherlands. I can understand that this hyperactivity is not really good for Turkey's entry into the EU in the coming years: the more we talk about it, the more people will understand what is at stake. Turkey should understand that it has become a problem for us, not merely a religious one or a geographical one, but mostly a philosophical one, i.e. what do we, Europeans, want the EU to become?
A few numbers first: the population of the European Union (491,018,683) currently exceeds that of the USA and Russia together. That of Turkey is 71,892,808 (as of July 2008: sources: cia.gov), which is already larger than that of France, the UK, Italy, Spain or Poland...but still smaller than that of Germany. With a yearly population growth rate of about a percent, this leaves Turkey with a population of approximately 85 million people in 2020 (which could be a reasonable date for a possible entry of Turkey in the EU).
What do those numbers mean? simply that Turkey would become the largest country in the European Union, with the largest numbers of representatives at the European Parliament in Strasbourg. What else do they mean? the end of all hopes of ever building a politically independent and federal Europe. With already so many countries willing to keep Europe as a mere economic open market (UK, Poland, the Netherlands, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden), it would be even more difficult to develop any embryo of political union, having Turkey as a full EU member.
Last but not least, I have heard many voices (including Mr Obama's one) claiming that the EU should embrace Turkey's membership as a unique opportunity of building a strong link between the Western world and the muslim world. Also I do not deny the effect, I strongly object to the argumentation. Put in other words, this would mean: "Let Turkey enter the EU because, otherwise, it will turn into one of those muslim theocratic states". Well, it already has become one, as far as I am concerned: although Turkey claims it is a secular state, the veil has returned in the universities (even Mr Erdogan's wife wore one at the NATO's summmit last month in France). Other voices claim that the EU will turn into a museum without Turkey. Should we agree with this statement, then the EU has no other choices than integrating Israel, Russia, Algeria, Morocco and, eventually, the USA...
Turkey is a great country with great people and there is no insult in telling them that they do not belong to the European Family. For geographical reasons, for religious reasons and for the reason that like every house has walls, the European Union should have borders!!! Turkey is not welcome in Europe. Every European who truly believes in a federal and politically independent European Union cannot honestly support Turkey's entry for the mere reason that those objectives are incompatible.
The EU has no obligation to fulfill towards Turkey, contrary to what you might read here and there. Although negotiations have started with Turkey in 2005, there is nothing which prevents the European Union from telling Turkey: "No". It is not difficult to say "NO". It takes political courage and good ears: 67% of all Europeans are against Turkey's entry into the EU (the poll can be found here ).