From June 4th to June 7th, citizens of Europe will vote for those who will represent them at the European Parliament in Strasbourg and Brussels. Although Europhobia is trendy among Europeans (nationalism and sovereignty being very popular words nowadays), Europe slowly reaches the front pages of our newspapers...Instead of explaining what Europe has done for us in the last 5 years, and instead of explaining the role of the European Parliament, those newspapers prefer to focus on the weaknesses of the current system. Although I strongly object to the way those elections are organized, I must admit that the EU as it is today is not performing that badly. Of course, election of an EU president, more transparency, clearer policies, more harmony would not harm...Nobody however ever claimed the system would be perfect.
For those of you who are interested in the European project, whether supporting it or criticizing it, fulfill your duty and vote. Get info about the political parties near you and browse the web to inquire about the different programs. Show you're a responsible citizen!
Vote and don't let somebody else make the wrong choices for you and your family! Democracy is like playing only progress by practicing