Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The EU is not a prostitute

Last week saw the end of the EU as we all know it and as the founding fathers Schuman and co. designed it. I deeply regret the current situation, i.e. the disappearance of the official EU symbols such as the flag and the anthem (they will still be used but are no longer considered as representative of the official EU). Who should we thank for those steps back into the dark times of nationalism and protectionism? Let us list those countries who (again) should have shut up: Great-Britain (anybody surprised here?), Poland, the Czech Republic and the Netherlands. Let me tell you my mind as it is: the UK has always been a trojan horse from the USA in the EU. It was a huge mistake to allow them to enter the Union in the first place and de Gaulle (whose european politics I do not support) was right at that time when he opposed the UK
There would be so many things to tell about the british europhoby. I will just emphasize a few here: the UK considers the EU as a bank, is willing to contribute to the EU as long as it serves its own interest and denies the EU any political ambition on the world map. As for Poland and the Czech Republic, I will paraphrase Jacques Chirac who said, in 2003, after Eastern European Countries supported the invasion of Iraq by the US, that those countries had lost an occasion of shutting up. Well done! The EU is not a prostitute: you do not use it and throw it away. Its membership comes with rights and duties. One of those duties is the respect of a 50 year institution built by our grand-parents and our parents. I understand that some east european countries had an extremely hard time under the communist regime. It is thus easy to figure out that those countries do not want to transfer their newly-acquired freedom to the EU. That is the reason why I think their integration to the EU went too fast: waiting a few extra years would not have harmed them. Now, those countries behave like spoiled children!
As for the Netherlands, I am going to be very severe as I've been living there for almost 7 years. This country suffers from a strong complex of inferiority towards Germany (whom they will never forget for the WWII occupation), towards France (whom they consider as an arrogant country) and towards Belgium (for reasons which are beyond my comprehension....the better belgian beers maybe?). It is not a problem for any shop in the Hague, Amsterdam or Rotterdam to display the US flag. But when it comes to display the EU flag, then you hear all sorts of crap coming out: the Euro this, the EU that, Brussels this, Strasbourg that....My opinion: if you think the US are better than the EU, please ask Bush to become the 51st state!!! The Dutch are nationalist people (who however invade Spain, Italy and France in the summer months with thousands of caravans which generate huge traffic jams on the freeways); the dutch government scares the population by using the EU as a scapegoat for all problems the dutch society is facing. To all those countries, I am saying: ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!! THE EUROPEAN UNION IS NOT A PROSTITUTE AT YOUR SERVICE

I thus call all people who are willing to build a federal, strong and culturally diversified Europe to stand for a new Institution! It is time for some willing countries to proceed into further integration and it is time to leave all others on the side, in the suburb, alone. Why bother with governements and people who are using our taxes and raping the beautiful idea of Europe? They obviously do not want more Europe. Fair enough! You won't get more!

Where is the woman or the man who will have the courage of standing for his ideas? There are millions of people who want more Europe? Why do we always hear about those who want less of it?
It is time my fellow believers to take this wake-up call and restore what used to be a wonderful idea, aimed at enlightening the world with its values and its diversity (and not through wars). WAKE-UP EUROPE! YOUR TIME HAS COME! YOU ARE NO PROSTITUTE! DEFEND YOUR INTEGRITY!

In order to spread the good word and counterbalance the trendy europhobic feelings shadowing Europe, I am currently thinking about launching a think-tank. All ideas are hereby welcome!

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