Friday, October 19, 2007

If you don't like us, mind that we don't like you either!

Read in the Sun of October 19th 2007, less than a day after the 27 EU countries found a compromise over the EU institutions through a simplified and diluted EU treaty:

"Over dinner with 26 other EU leaders, [Gordon Brown] allowed the momentous EU Constitution to be approved — without a referendum.

The unspoken toast was to a European superstate.

By raising his glass, the PM transformed the lavish banquet into a sordid Last Supper for Britain as an independent sovereign state.

It was an act of betrayal which will haunt the Prime Minister for the rest of his political days.

Now his Government faces embarrassing Commons clashes as its case for surrender is shot to pieces in the House of Commons.

But the die is cast.

With his substantial majority — and the supine support of Lib-Dems — Mr Brown will do all in his power to drive this legislation roughshod through Parliament.

That will not be enough to give it legitimacy.

The measure is based on deceit and double-dealing which brings shame on this Government.

Mr Brown solemnly backed Tony Blair’s promise in the 2005 election to give the British people a final say."

If this opinion is the one of the majority in the UK (which I unfortunately think it is)...I say...let the EU nail the thief and kick his ass out of Brussels. Who needs the UK in the EU anyway? They've never liked Europe and they've never liked the Europeans....Well, if you don't like us, mind that we don't like you either!
The Sun proudly talks about UK legitimacy and sovereignty...I wonder where those ones are in Irak? Which country buys its nuclear weapons from the US? Which country systematically backs uncle Sam? I guess it is not France. The Sun also fears an EU supertate. I do not hear the same criticism when it comes to cashing the EU money!!
Since its entry into the EU in the 70s, the UK has always had a destructive/negative behavior, thereby decomplexing other countries and encouraging them to act likewise (the Netherlands, Denmark and Poland became loyal followers in that respect). I am tired and fed up from hearing those europhobic extremists! Enough is enough. Let us get the EU money where it belongs: to countries who believe in the EU dream and want to move forward!

As for Gordon Brown, I do not believe in his sudden good feelings for Europe. On the contrary, I strongly suspect him from politically manipulating the UK opinion.I would not be surprised if he were to go the referendum way - after all - which everybody knows will kill the treaty...He would then be able to tell his EU counterparts: "sorry mates, I supported the treaty but my people did not!". Predictible and disgusting piece of british politics.

I am a citizen of the EU and I am Extremely Upset!!!

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